Accessibility Testing and Audit Template for Users
Please answer the following questions as you work through the website.
Can be answered orally or in written form.
1. How easy was it to access the It is Possible website on
2. Were you able to move from screen to screen and section to section easily?
3. Were you able to view the videos?
4. How useful were the videos?
5. How useful and easily understood were the following
a. Case Studies
b. Tips and Solutions
c. Tools and Resources
e. Project Evaluation
6. Specifically, which area did you find the easiest to
access and understand?
7. Specifically, which area did you find the most difficult to
access and understand?
8. Did you access and use the Accessibility Drop Down
Box and all details available on accessibility for the
9. Did you use the “Quick Keys” at the bottom of the
10. Was there anything that should be there that is not on
the website?